France’s leading independent heat & geothermal lithium operator

Founded in 2020, Lithium de France’s goal is to supply heat to businesses, farmers, and local authorities and to produce lithium for EV batteries to accelerate the energy transition.

Icône pour représenter les valeurs de Lithium de France

Our Values

Born from the collective effort of the Lithium de France team, our values are at the heart of our vision and daily operations.

They were chosen and defined by all the employees of Lithium de France.

They represent a commitment, a standard, and a shared ambition.

Northern Alsace: land of opportunity

Alsace enjoys a remarkably well-preserved natural environment (Natura 2000, World Network of Biosphere Reserves…). Lithium de France is committed to unleashing the potential of its subsurface while safeguarding the region’s rich history and environment.

Paysage agricole alsacien Photo réalisée par Thomas Goisque pour Lithium de France
© Thomas Goisque
photo30-2 V2

Our team: a shared ambition

Experts in various fields, our talented team is committed to upholding our core values.

Our project

Notre actualité

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